Happy Chinese New Year!

Hello once again readers. I would like to wish all who celebrate it a Happy Chinese New Year and wish all my readers all the best for the future.

Chinese New Year is one of the most celebrated holidays in Singapore next to New Years Day and Christmas. This is due to the fact that a large proportion of the citizens in Singapore are Chinese. As a result, my family members have decided to celebrate this wonderful occasion. However, we were not able to celebrate a full day of celebrations as we had to return to Jakarta for academic purposes as we were only given a day for such a holiday. Nevertheless I am still thankful for the opportunity to go to Singapore.

Chinese New Year is one of my favourite holidays next to Christmas. These two holidays are the only chance I have to meet my relatives and have a wonderful dinner with them. I cherish the time I have with my grandparents, cousins, uncles and aunts as I know that at any time, they could leave; due to social problems or when unexpected circumstances occur. I returned to Jakarta three days after arriving. Overall I did enjoy the experience although there were periods of time in Singapore when we had nothing to do, leaving me feeling unproductive.

I have come to realise the importance of writing such a blog. I have realised that I am writing at an unprecedented high standard of English. I have noted a sudden ease in the manipulation of English when writing letters or essays. As a result, I have decided to write more on my blogs. However I will still keep my promise and write weekly every Tuesday. The concept of writing more in my blogs is similar to what I did during the Christmas holidays; I will write more at random days, but the only day where I will always write on will be Tuesday.

Once again I wish everyone a Happy Chinese New Year!!


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