Examinations over! Finally!
I am happy to proclaim however, that there was a net improvement of my grades overall for the results that I have received so far. A few marks off the promised land, or should I say grade; the A*, was an improvement compared to the low A that I received 6 months before. However I did do a lot more revision compared to the last year, which was not very efficient of me seeing how I had to study for additional weeks just for a few more marks with no grade change. This would probably mean that I would have to re-evaluate my revision strategy and the potential steps that follow. Hopefully this would get me the grades I so desperately need.
However it does pain me when I see members of my school that revise much less than me but still manage to obtain the same mark, if not a higher mark. This could be due to the more common sense that I don't fortunately possess, perhaps due some defects in the structure of my brain which may explain my peculiar way of thinking. Perhaps it was simply something that had to be learned by social interaction, something that I wish to cultivate at the current moment after locking myself in solitary confinement in the dark void in my head to learn and revise on topics not discussed in months in preparation of the examinations.
On the other hand, it could just be their laid-back attitude that could create a different outcome in our test results, perhaps in a psychological sense, resting helps the brain organise information. Perhaps 7 hour sleep is not sufficient for such a task. Could this option be possible and one I should adopt? Only time would tell.
However at the moment I should take what comes to me. I would sincerely be distressed with any grade below an A and would most likely do something drastic if something like that would occur. I pray to God everyday that something like that doesn't happen. I do wish for a few A* here and there, and have a few hopes on a few subjects (touch wood). It is only at that point, when I am fully content with the grades that I received as a whole that I can finally relax and enjoy the upcoming Christmas season and New Year's Day.
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