Keeping up with the new years resolutions
As the first week of the new year comes to an end. I find it increasingly difficult to keep up with my new years resolutions which, unsurprisingly, is not that much different that the resolutions of the last year. However it doesn't help that an illness that has plagued me for half of last week kept me away from being able to do any sports, namely running.
I also have trouble keeping up with my study schedule (even now I'm utilising study time, or am I just using this as a way to procrastinate?) and keeping up with homework as everyday adds more pressure with the looming IGCSE exams. It seems almost impossible for me to be able to fit any additional work to the work that I already have been doing. I must persevere, and learn to take things with a cool head. I must learn to be able to put all distractions aside, a hard task to do if doing work is to be the comparison.
However, this year I have also realised that one must have their rest as well. The anxiety that I have felt a few days before and even during the mock exams has been the cause of my downfall. Therefore I have allocated Sundays to be my day of rest, similar to how Jesus rested on the 7th day. It is then that I will be doing the things that I want to do such as play games, read books (the non-fiction one that I am reading now is difficult to comprehend, however I digress), play golf (a sport that I am trying to pick up as another New Year's Resolution) and spend more time with my family and less with work.
It pains me to see time ticking by and I know that I have to go back to work. It pains me to stop blogging, but I see that I've already written down what I wish to write about.
How about you my dear readers? Any trouble with the New Years Resolutions that you have concocted? No matter what, don't give up. Okay?

Matthew Tan
I also have trouble keeping up with my study schedule (even now I'm utilising study time, or am I just using this as a way to procrastinate?) and keeping up with homework as everyday adds more pressure with the looming IGCSE exams. It seems almost impossible for me to be able to fit any additional work to the work that I already have been doing. I must persevere, and learn to take things with a cool head. I must learn to be able to put all distractions aside, a hard task to do if doing work is to be the comparison.
However, this year I have also realised that one must have their rest as well. The anxiety that I have felt a few days before and even during the mock exams has been the cause of my downfall. Therefore I have allocated Sundays to be my day of rest, similar to how Jesus rested on the 7th day. It is then that I will be doing the things that I want to do such as play games, read books (the non-fiction one that I am reading now is difficult to comprehend, however I digress), play golf (a sport that I am trying to pick up as another New Year's Resolution) and spend more time with my family and less with work.
It pains me to see time ticking by and I know that I have to go back to work. It pains me to stop blogging, but I see that I've already written down what I wish to write about.
How about you my dear readers? Any trouble with the New Years Resolutions that you have concocted? No matter what, don't give up. Okay?

Matthew Tan
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