
Recently, I seem to be experiencing the early process of cyberbulling. Growing up being bullied and in fights in a couple occasions (although one can say I exaggerate), the concept of cyberbulling amuses me, as I find it impossible to be cyberbullied while having a relatively stable social status as well. Therefore I can only assume that it would leave with time. However I can never help but feel a little aggravated towards the instigator as I have never done anything to insult the person since a social fallout exactly two days ago. This woman enjoys venting her anger online (on a social network which I have no access to due to a lack of hardware), while I simply tend to keep my anger in the depths of my mind, ready to exploit if the need for it ever arises, which it rarely does. 

I don't really know where to take a stance on cyberbulling really due to the fact that I have never really been involved in such a case, but I am aware of its dangers. One of the ways I can tell of its true effects is by the suicide of Amanda Todd, of which caused a huge international scandal recently. What she really did was a mistake, which got circulated around the world. One of the dangers of the internet is that what you have uploaded, or what you have shared cannot be hidden. As many of my teachers say "What is uploaded stays on the internet". It gets circulated and copied quickly, at a rate at which many fail to comprehend. Especially for Amanda Todd, she couldn't run from the internet, no matter how many countries she moved to. 

RIP Amanda Todd

Luckily for me, the stories come from a bias source, of which anecdotes are the only thing being recorded. There are many cases of which the anecdotes are true, however the conclusion different. There was one case where I said a phrase that sounded like an insult. Basically what was happening was that I was sitting next to the smartest girl in the class, of which I tended to do as I immersed myself in overachievers. The teacher ordered the girl to move for the sake of variation of which I cried out "No! I want to sit with the smart girl!". The implication was as I had said, however it was received by many differently as it gave the indication to them that I was calling every one else stupid, which was not the intention. I would be the stupid one if I were to think that everyone was stupid. 

However, the girl who (to say the least) despised me interpreted it negatively, and of course broadcasted her negative interpretation to the rest of the world. I was aggravated, but not insulted. Aggravated that she would announce her irrational conclusion to the rest of the world rather than checking with me first. However, that's the behaviours of the immature.

I probably won't give the best advice for bullying as I follow my old habits of the past and hold it in. But what I do with what I hold in is another matter. I look back at it, get angry, but laugh in the end because I know that I am finally stronger than they are.

Matthew Tan


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