The Easter Holidays
In a blink of an eye, the Easter holidays has already passed and school already seems to be around the corner. I am proud of the fact that I was able to accomplish much academic wise during the short holiday (already not as much as I wished as I usually have high expectations). Upon visiting some of my other friends or chatting with them via the internet, I found that many of them have not done much in terms of academics (some haven't even begun revision at all!) , despite getting relatively good grades. Could it be that perhaps my revision methods are inefficient or that my mind is perhaps a little more slower than what is considered normal? Perhaps a mixture of both, however it means that I have to put it a little more extra time than usual to get the grades that I so desperately need as I usually tend to be stubborn to the extent that I am willing to change my revision ways (and perhaps I don't have the kind of ambitions that they do, however I digress).
The fact that Easter has quickly have arrived does help to relieve some of the pressure, as the sacrifices that I have made have already been completed and it will be easier for me to relieve myself of any induced. Not to say that much has changed though. I still fail to find time to relieve myself of any stress. Instead I downscale my revision to more menial variations which help to reduce stress as these are the forms of revisions that I enjoy more. This may be a better idea than just allocating time to relax without any form of revision whatsoever. This method allows me to study and relax (if that is considered possible). The only drawback being that it does take a longer time for me to relax. However this weekend I will be going to yet another exotic place in Indonesia to finally get 'proper' rest, and I do tend to blog about so look forward to the next post.
I am fortunate to not to forget about my health, and have been getting stronger both physically and mentally as I start to train more and more by swimming and by doing personal workouts. If this continues I hope to have the strength as well as muscle tone that anyone can be proud of, myself included of course.

So that is basically my Easter holiday. How was yours? I do hope that you have spent your time wisely.
Matthew Tan
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