Speaking in poetry
Do you ever stop to imagine what it would be like if you had a world run according to you? I do all the time. Besides the palace that I live in and the concubines that serve me in this kingdom, one more aspect that I would like to add to this fantasyland of mine would be the fact that everyone would be speaking using poetic devices as much as possible.
This idea came to me earlier this morning, you see, the morning of today started on a very positive note. I was elected to take a seat in the senior council which is one of the most prestigious leadership groups in the school only consisting of 10 people to a school I have only spent 3 months in. Having received congratulations from my fellow peers all morning, I spent the day feeling rather special about myself; that I my existence on this planet meant something to other people and not just to myself. (In retrospect, this is the aim of every person's existence on this planet; to mean something to other people positively and not just to yourself, whether your memory lives on as a discoverer, a revolutionist or a leader.)
My first class was physics. I don't only enjoy physics class because of the my love for the topic, but also because there is a girl in the class who I consider very beautiful. What I consider beautiful remains very traditional; it is not the appearance of the girl which I consider a main factor to beauty, rather I consider her attitude towards life (which remains positive) as well as her attitude to her friends and even her peers (which always remains friendly even though she is stressed). Needless to say I am not physically attracted to her; I remain above the levels of the irrational emotion many call 'love'.
Despite her not being elected, she remained happy over something I until now I fail to recognise. We spent a moment in quiet before class started, me working on an internal assessment I still have yet to hand up. After she left the class to attend to an issue, a close friend of hers entered class and spoke to me in private:
"Did you do something just now?"
"I was doing my homework. What do you mean?"
"She left the class smiling like a flower"
Whether or not the phrase was derived from a chinese saying (the friend of hers is a Shanghainese), the metaphor 'smiling like a flower' left me stunned for a moment. For once in my life I could imagine a metaphor being completely true, as if this girl was a closed flower and it was only through smiling could the flower in her bloom. The thought impressed my deeply. So not only is there beauty in this girl, there is also a beauty in the words to describe her. it was from then on that I thought to myself 'what a magical world this place would be if we could all speak using poetic languages when describing things'.
There is beauty in language, all there is to do now is to find it and share it with others in your everyday life.

Matthew Tan
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