Starting new endeavors
As the term continues and I am put into a position of great privilege and power, I am forced to lead and organise events and change my everyday routine for the duration that I am holding this role as a senior council. I must admit; I'm pretty nervous and scared. What if I were to make a mistake in somewhere very crucial? Will the student body think that they made the wrong choice? I obviously don't intend to let them down, nor give them the impression that I have. But with every mistake that I make it gets harder and harder to prove them wrong.
Trying something new is often what gives life its flavour; without it we would just be doing the same thing everyday devoid of new things to stimulate our brains and things that make life worth living. It is nervewrecking at first but I can assure you that the long term benefits definitely outweight the short term ones. The human brain always has this tendency to look at the short term; to imagine what you would be like on your first day rather than what you would be like years into the profession or after years of experience on the subject matter. Furthermore its often pictured as something more negative than positive. This does give us hope in the sense that whatever our expectation is, it will always be better. It will always be less nervewrecking or negative than we think it to be.
As I start on a new endeavor to become someone new, I urge you all to try something new as well. Try making new friends, try getting involved in more after school activities. Maybe get involved in more social groups. I gaurantee you that it will make your life more fruitful to live in. It gives you something new to look at a and a different point of view of which you can look at the world. And I gaurantee you, it will be way better than you think it will be.

Matthew Tan
Trying something new is often what gives life its flavour; without it we would just be doing the same thing everyday devoid of new things to stimulate our brains and things that make life worth living. It is nervewrecking at first but I can assure you that the long term benefits definitely outweight the short term ones. The human brain always has this tendency to look at the short term; to imagine what you would be like on your first day rather than what you would be like years into the profession or after years of experience on the subject matter. Furthermore its often pictured as something more negative than positive. This does give us hope in the sense that whatever our expectation is, it will always be better. It will always be less nervewrecking or negative than we think it to be.
As I start on a new endeavor to become someone new, I urge you all to try something new as well. Try making new friends, try getting involved in more after school activities. Maybe get involved in more social groups. I gaurantee you that it will make your life more fruitful to live in. It gives you something new to look at a and a different point of view of which you can look at the world. And I gaurantee you, it will be way better than you think it will be.

Matthew Tan
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