The end of my life
When I think about the meaning of life, I always look into the future rather into the past. In this future, I'm on my deathbed, or should I say in my deathchair. I'm looking out into the sunset that is setting below the horizon at the end of the best day of my life and I know that my time has come. I am outdoors, enjoying the last few breaths of fresh air that I will take. At that point I am unable to move; there is no more material items that I can bring with me for the next step of my journey. At that point time must as well slow down, because no one would notice me dying. My time on Earth has stopped and what I am experiencing now is a transition. The only thing that I am in control of is my mind; so I descend into my memory.
And what I always stress upon whoever I talk to, perhaps even to my readers here once or twice before, is that at the end of your life all you have are memories. So make sure those memories are something worth remembering. This ideology of mine remains controversial to many people. Because this means that if you think that the memories made skipping school are better than the ones that you make attending school, then it means that I am all for skipping school. However this depends; do you want fun memories now, or are you willing to wait it out and hope for better ones in the future? People tell me that school is an investment and I do agree; I am investing my time in school hoping that the future will give me better memories than the ones I have now. I can rightfully say that at the present moment my memories created outside of school are better than the ones made in school.
I delve into the memories of the past, my childhood, my teenage years and probably my transition into adulthood, something that I am going through now. From there I may be thinking about the first time I fell in love, my honeymoon with my wife or the time that I saw my child. On the other hand I may be thinking of the time I first bought my first house, my first car, and living the bachelor life. This bit depends on my fate.
And then comes the what ifs. This is basically alternatives to my life that could have happened if I only did something else. What if I confessed to the girl I never got to confess to? What if I proposed then? What if I took that scholarship into university instead of staying to get a job?
Of course, if you took one of the two options, the option never taken would be the what if.
But for me, it's always better to take the one that you would not regret at the end of the day. And when you do always think; which option would give me the greater adventure? So reach out and try to say yes. Try to say "let's do it today!" and not put it off for another day. Who knows when the opportunity will escape you? This is what I do every single day and this is my aim in life; to pick the best route with the best adventure.

This is one of my favourite Pixar moments: the last words from Ellie in "UP"
Matthew Tan
You are an extremely intriguing person Matthew at first i thought this was some amanda tanner online goodbye statement but rather its some sort of insightful platitude on life. Thankyou for that intellectual monologue and lasting quote