Mind vs Body
A bit tilted from my Hearthstone game, but life goes on.
It's amazing how much can happen in a week. One day you may be a millionaire, the other day go bankrupt. One day for in love, the other day fall out of love. One day have a friend, the next day lose a friend. I, on the other hand, have experienced a separation. A separation between mind and body, in the space of a week.
Recently, my mind and body have been separated on a lot of things. My mind wishes to do daily exercises, but the body shows signs of exhaustion that lasts longer than it should. My mind tells me to eat less (stress eating I presume... or eating for the sake of eating, enough with the excuses) but my body tells me to eat more. I feel as if there are two parties that my soul encompasses (assuming the existence of a soul, which I adopt gladly), the body and the mind, and that they both contradict one another to make the decision that is a compromise between the two. However often enough the body gets what it wants, and I end up spending more money to bring my friends to delicious food places rather than just having a simple meal under the same circumstances.
What I find rather interesting is that my body tends to be right with my emotions. My mind refuses to admit certain emotions such as fear, sadness and anxiety which my mind makes a point not to admit to (if anything because of the teachings of my very gender stereotypical father). At that point I check my pulse, my average breathing rate and consistency as well as the level of moisture on my skin as an indication of sweat. My body shows to be more nervous than the mind, which intrigues me so.
It's strange because the mind is unable to show objective signs of emotions or needs. With enough skill, a hunger pang can be ignored, more and more pain can be tolerated and signals of times where you need to urinate can change based on the action of the mind. The signals do come, but they are just interpreted differently. The body shows these objective signs. Your stomach "grumbles" when hungry, and you start to bleed when you are hurt. Perhaps the reason why I listen to my body so much is that it is objectively shown, while the mind gives me things that I can easily resist. In a world with overly dramatic friends where I find myself in overly dramatic situations, I need something that shows me something objective, rather than the passive-aggressive attitude that the mind shows me.
A lot has passed over the pass week, and I find myself suddenly awake from the consistent daydream that I mentioned over the last few posts. It's time to get my life back in order... whatever that means. I don't know where to start, but I listen to the needs of the body first, and then the needs of the mind. Take it one step at a time, and I'll slowly be back on my feet again.

Matthew Tan
It's amazing how much can happen in a week. One day you may be a millionaire, the other day go bankrupt. One day for in love, the other day fall out of love. One day have a friend, the next day lose a friend. I, on the other hand, have experienced a separation. A separation between mind and body, in the space of a week.
Recently, my mind and body have been separated on a lot of things. My mind wishes to do daily exercises, but the body shows signs of exhaustion that lasts longer than it should. My mind tells me to eat less (stress eating I presume... or eating for the sake of eating, enough with the excuses) but my body tells me to eat more. I feel as if there are two parties that my soul encompasses (assuming the existence of a soul, which I adopt gladly), the body and the mind, and that they both contradict one another to make the decision that is a compromise between the two. However often enough the body gets what it wants, and I end up spending more money to bring my friends to delicious food places rather than just having a simple meal under the same circumstances.
What I find rather interesting is that my body tends to be right with my emotions. My mind refuses to admit certain emotions such as fear, sadness and anxiety which my mind makes a point not to admit to (if anything because of the teachings of my very gender stereotypical father). At that point I check my pulse, my average breathing rate and consistency as well as the level of moisture on my skin as an indication of sweat. My body shows to be more nervous than the mind, which intrigues me so.
It's strange because the mind is unable to show objective signs of emotions or needs. With enough skill, a hunger pang can be ignored, more and more pain can be tolerated and signals of times where you need to urinate can change based on the action of the mind. The signals do come, but they are just interpreted differently. The body shows these objective signs. Your stomach "grumbles" when hungry, and you start to bleed when you are hurt. Perhaps the reason why I listen to my body so much is that it is objectively shown, while the mind gives me things that I can easily resist. In a world with overly dramatic friends where I find myself in overly dramatic situations, I need something that shows me something objective, rather than the passive-aggressive attitude that the mind shows me.
A lot has passed over the pass week, and I find myself suddenly awake from the consistent daydream that I mentioned over the last few posts. It's time to get my life back in order... whatever that means. I don't know where to start, but I listen to the needs of the body first, and then the needs of the mind. Take it one step at a time, and I'll slowly be back on my feet again.

Matthew Tan
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