Preparing for university life
Right now I'm in the midst of preparing for my university life; making friends in different groups and bidding for modules for my upcoming semester. It is surreal that I am finally going to university, which in my younger years was my epitome of success (I figured on later that success means a lot of different things, but we can talk about that later). I did expect to go to a Singaporean university, although that changed along the way. I suppose in some cases I never really did change at all. I wanted to go to a Singaporean university and here I am. I did want to go to NUS in my youth, but a mature version of Matthew made me reconsider that choice.
I am now in the process of trying to lose weight, as meeting all these friendship groups always included some form of junk food that everyone ate together. Of course everyone gained weight, but none gain as fast as me. It always seems to me that I gain 2kg for every 1kg of food that I eat. Nevertheless I am now controlling my food intake and exercising a lot more than I have before I even started meeting friends. I have done so for the past week and I can already feel different muscles growing that I have never seen before. My calves twitch from time to time though, I think I should get that checked out.
My worries at the moment are the modules which I am bidding for. I was quite disappointed to find out that I did not get any of the modules I bid for. Nevertheless the second window is open for bidding and I have tried to make a wiser decision on my bidding, although only time will tell if I am fortunate enough to land a spot. However, I am underbidding for something that is usually very heavily desired, so disappointment should not be unexpected. Fingers crossed anyway!
My life has took a turn for the hectic and exciting, so I do hope that ya'll will stay with me as I continue to blog on my adventure, hopefully as often as it was before.
Matthew Tan
I am now in the process of trying to lose weight, as meeting all these friendship groups always included some form of junk food that everyone ate together. Of course everyone gained weight, but none gain as fast as me. It always seems to me that I gain 2kg for every 1kg of food that I eat. Nevertheless I am now controlling my food intake and exercising a lot more than I have before I even started meeting friends. I have done so for the past week and I can already feel different muscles growing that I have never seen before. My calves twitch from time to time though, I think I should get that checked out.
My worries at the moment are the modules which I am bidding for. I was quite disappointed to find out that I did not get any of the modules I bid for. Nevertheless the second window is open for bidding and I have tried to make a wiser decision on my bidding, although only time will tell if I am fortunate enough to land a spot. However, I am underbidding for something that is usually very heavily desired, so disappointment should not be unexpected. Fingers crossed anyway!
My life has took a turn for the hectic and exciting, so I do hope that ya'll will stay with me as I continue to blog on my adventure, hopefully as often as it was before.
Matthew Tan
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