University life in the second semester

Hello dear readers,

I must admit it has been very hard to find time to blog as I find myself engaged in more and more activities and applications for activities. I wish I had more time, but if I did I would probably use it for something a lot more productive than setting aside more time to write blogs. To be frank, I only see the purpose of this blog coming to life when I read it when the joys of youth are behind me. However for now my job is to chronicle my life as best as possible as often as possible.

So the past few weeks have been quite hectic. It is hard to believe that new years happened only about two and a half weeks ago. Work is already piling up and I'm in full throttle trying to get everything completed as fast as possible. Whenever I am free I try to invest in my hobbies, but even so the books are getting read slowly and the chess being played quickly. I am thinking of taking up new hobbies and I do hope eventually I can set aside some time to just simply rest.

However I don't think I am not enjoying it. As long as the work I do all the time does not require hard concentration I don't think that it is intolerable, all the need to rest is purely based on the enjoyment I get out of reading books. I simply must finish the Three Musketeers by the end of this month! It's time to move on with life outside of academia!

Between that and juggling time to exercise, it really is a no brainer of what I'd rather do. Anything but exercise please! Fret not for I have been (semi) consistent, and I do hope to maintain some level of fitness. Run once a week at the very least and spend time at the gym at least once on another day! After that there is time to sleep, and that is the only thing I will not compromise on.

And on that note, goodnight goodnight! Parting be such sweet sorrow that I will say goodnight until morn.

Most important in life is to never forget your Shakespeare.

Matthew Tan


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