The School Formals
Just as I am about to settle to the normality of life once again, another event comes up, hoping to once again, make my life as exciting as possible.
This event is called the "School Formals" and whenever I think of it I tend to have the preconception of it being similar to the American Prom I tend to see on television. Although I am sure that it is very different from reality, I will be using this as a base for comparison purposes. If I were to do this under these conditions, I am sure that they are very similar in many ways:
This event is called the "School Formals" and whenever I think of it I tend to have the preconception of it being similar to the American Prom I tend to see on television. Although I am sure that it is very different from reality, I will be using this as a base for comparison purposes. If I were to do this under these conditions, I am sure that they are very similar in many ways:
- The Formal is exclusive to only a certain year group or certain categories. This event, for my school, involves everyone in KS4 and KS5 (Grade 9, 10, 11, 12). The primary purpose of the event is for students in that year group to socialise and create a sense of unity and connection with your fellow peers. Seeing as how my year group is well known to be very segregated, I see the primary aim of this event to already be a failure.
- There is a theme for every year this event takes place which, if I am not wrong, occasionally is implemented in some "proms". The theme for my school Formal this year is "Moroccan Nights". I do sincerely hope that they don't decide to take this theme too seriously else I would be eating all kinds of exotic food that many would be unfamiliar with.
- The event is always, as stated by the title, formal. This means that every male would have to wear a suit, an aspect which I am not especially unhappy with as my suit has not been used in a very long time and seems to only be collecting dust. I would be happy if I could use it once again. However, for the females in our year, this would mean buying new dresses and jewellery. This would also lead to many of them asking one another what the dress would look like. For us males however, many suits look similar and need not require asking to predict what one would already wear.
- The requirement of a date however, is optional. This has caused a lot of complications for many of the boys (mainly me) who have the preconception that having a date of the similar sex is very peculiar. The problem for us males is that the opposite sex do not think of having a date of the similar sex as peculiar and, as said before, our year is very segregated. Therefore getting a date was almost impossible.
I hope that my conception of the "American Prom" has been accurate and hope that I have not made any misconceptions. It is only when I am writing this line when I realise I never actually found the purpose of writing this post for my readers. Nevertheless it is a good topic to write about and hope that, if you do not find this blog post to your liking, I will write a about a better topic in the future.
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