Let Summer Begin!!

Ahhh!! Finally the set of exams that I have been preparing at least five months for are finally over. It's as if a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders (excuse the cliche). As promised I will start posting again, if not more, on the blog again so as to catch up for lost time and updating the blog in terms of the design. Fear not, I will do the same for the other blogs that I have. I will also be investing my time heavily into YouTube, where I have recently been offered partnership. Hopefully that will go through as well so I
 can actually generate my own income.

I also plan to do extracurricular activities such as read more books, play more instruments and finish all the games that I have accumulated over the five months (I am a teenage boy after all). However, tomorrow I will be embarking on a short trip away from the stresses of urban living and leaving Jakarta to finish off my Silver International Award expedition once and for all. That will take a day and a half so it shouldn't be much of a problem. I'm pretty sure my friends, being relieved of the stress that they have been having over the past month, will be doing some crazy activities upon arrival. I'm sure the sights there will be something worth the wait as well. I'll be posting about that soon enough. So be prepared!

Working on the computer all day and night for months has left me with a regular migraine, so I'll leave the blog here for today. Nothing really much to talk about anyway. For all those who have also finished their IGCSE exams, congratulations on making it all the way and I wish you the best of luck on your results.

From a very happy/relieved student,
Matthew Tan


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