End of term

When I left Singapore, my old school had four terms. In Jakarta, my school had three. When I return back to Singapore, my school has two. In other words, I have just experienced the longest academic term of my life.

I've been living in Singapore for half a year and despite my body already adapting to daily Singaporean life (waking up at 6.30am every morning, automatically finding the class that I have to go to), mentally, I am still in shock. To me it was only yesterday that I was saying goodbye to my friends in Jakarta and worrying about meeting my old friends in Singapore. Over here, I have met new friends, and have developed a good reputation in school, something that I am very proud of.

As usual, before a long holiday, I always try to propose a set of resolutions for myself to fulfill during the holidays. For this year, they are:

  • To develop my ability with the instruments that I have already learnt. These include:
    • The Piano
    • The Guitar, 
    • The Drums
    • The priorities being dependent on the order of the instruments. 
  • To read more non-fiction books, preferably topics about:
    • Physics
    • Economics
  • To read more fiction books, preferably ones that I have read as a child so as to finally finish the chronology. 
  • To play more games. Work hard, play hard.
These resolutions are very generic, and they are made so so as to make my holiday as flexible as possible. 

As usual, I have made these resolutions more for myself than for you, but I do hope showing you my holiday resolutions will encourage you to do the same. 

Happy Holidays!
Matthew Tan


  1. Its been a while since i've visited this blog, keep up the good work!


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