Air by Bach

One of the songs that I have fallen in love with is a song named "Air" composed by Bach. Played by an Orchestra, you start to wonder how such a genius walked on the Earth that you stand on now. Out of all the classical pieces written by Mozart or Bach, this was the only piece that I could connect emotionally to. For some reason, I felt that Bach was writing about his love for another that he knew would never be mutual. The beginning notes have a bittersweet melody, and this feeling always comes with the feeling of acceptance that the person  you love will never love you back. 

Musically talented people tend to have rather strange tendencies, especially when it comes to love. I suppose that being part genius also means being part crazy as well. I keep being reminded of that idea every time I hear Mozart's "Moonlight Sonata", a song composed by him about his love for a 17 year old pupil 14 years his junior which, considering this day and age, would not be considered too far fetched. In addition to that there is always his sexual tendencies as portrayed in the movie "Amadeus" (highly recommended, even though I have yet to see the end of the movie). 

Considering Bach, there could be many romances in his life that remained unsatisfied. For example it could be a homosexual love or it could be a love for another of whom the person he loves is much younger than he is. 

An love that is not mutual is a very common thing, and I find it admirable that Bach has the maturity to turn it into such a wonderful piece. 

There was a story told by my English teacher about a butler who has fallen in love with a recent widow: his employer. To uphold the Code of Conduct for being a Butler, he has decided to not pursue his love. The story ends with a tragedy, with one of the parties dying without being able to address their feelings for each other, no matter how intimate it would have become. I am still in the process of finding the book after all this time, and I hold people like this in high regard: a person who is willing to give up their love for the other one's happiness and hold no regrets whatsoever. Whether I am holding one of my own is another idea that I have yet to confirm. 

Matthew Tan


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