The IGCSE mock examinations.

Unfortunately, today was one of the "calm before the storm" type of days, when you know something dramatic is about to occur. My IGCSE mocks would be the metaphorical storm that I am referring to in this point in time.
In my school, maths classes are split up into different levels depending on your level of manipulation of the subject. In other words, people with a better understanding of the topic. Being the Singaporean that I am, I am in the top of all these classes, and as a result I will be doing my IGCSE a year earlier than the other classes in order to start my studies of additional mathematics early, thus giving my class an edge over the other classes. However, Singapore actually starts the studies of additional mathematics in January while my school starts it a year after in July! This would mean that I am at a severe disadvantage when I will be returning to Singapore.
My return to Singapore will be a very difficult one. I am expected to be returning at the end of my maths IGCSE mock exams, which would be around May, June or July. This would be a crucial part for me as I would have to settle back in Singapore quickly to prepare myself for the IGCSE tests for my other subjects. The possibility of me going to a school that caters for IB students is slim as well as many international schools do not except locals and the ones that do tend to be full. My family and I are desperately praying that we will be able to find a slot in the school St. Joseph Institution International as we are following my aunt's review about it as being a good school.
However, if I am to return and cannot find a school that caters for IB students, I would have to return to my old school, St. Patricks School, to continue my studies. However, I would have to repeat a year at that school as I have to prepare for another exam, the GCE "O" level, an exam exclusive to Singapore only.
Nevertheless, I would have to study as hard as I can and score the highest marks I can possibly can for this maths test as the schools that I am applying to that caters for the IB students may decide to look at these marks, I would have no other choice to do my best to blow them away with an A*. Furthermore an A* in this test would guarantee my place in the "top set" of maths, ensuring that I can take my studies of additional mathematics as early as possible.
Caption: The first picture to be seen is a statue of St. John Baptist De La Salle, who founded both schools, and the logo of St. Patrick School behind him.
The second picture is the picture of what St. Joseph Institution International looks like. Notice the small bronze statue of St. John Baptist De La Salle standing on top of the "drop-off" area.
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