Happy New Year!

New Years Day means a lot to many people. For many, it is a day to remove yourself from all the bad things you have done the year before and look forward for what is to come in the future, knowing that you would be able to overcome all obstacles you face. As I grow up, I find it unfortunate that New Years Day has a less and less significance in my life as events like these become more and more repetitious. 

Although New Years Day is not considered a big celebration in Indonesia, many Indonesians still do special things with their families such as go out for dinner or go to the national monument of Jakarta, The Monas, to see the fireworks. As a result, the streets on New Years Eve was packed with cars and buses and traffic nearly stood at a gridlock at midnight, as seen from the photo I have personally taken for this event. 

Fireworks in Jakarta can be bought at almost any street market, a trait in Jakarta that I find very dangerous, both to the people lighting the fireworks and the spectators if they are not careful. Because these fireworks are not organised or mechanically timed, fireworks can be heard all through the night, despite the fact that midnight has already passed long ago. The loud noises and flashing lights guarantee a light sleeper a bad night of tossing and turning. Luckily I was not one of those people, and managed to get at least seven hours of rest. 

The morning of New Years Day didn't go the way I had planned. Perhaps due to the fact that I regularly sleep late during the holidays, I fell at the mercy of a flu, a flu that kept me in bed for the whole of New Years Day while my family members went shopping and having a fun time at a nearby mall. I found myself dizzy and nauseous and had developed the habit of throwing up every two hours. I found it hard to eat and move from place to place as the room started spinning whenever I tried to move. I took every pill that my mum gave me, as she is a doctor, hoping that the small amount of medicine in the pill could help cure me of my illness. Nevertheless the sickness lasted twenty- four hours and by the next morning I could go on with my daily businesses as per usual. 

It saddens me deeply when I unable to spend time with my family on New Years Day, a day that I have the tendency to remember every year. This year will be a crucial year for me as I am only a year away from taking my IGCSE examinations. It will also be the year that I will be moving back to Singapore to continue my studies. Perhaps fate has given me a bad start to the year to test me, as a way of challenging me to the obstacles I have to face. I only hope that the rest of the obstacles I have to face are less tedious and less... nauseating.

Happy New Year! 


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