Blog Anniversary
Upon reflection, I realised that it is not only my birthday today, but my website's birthday as well! Happy 1st Birthday! May you be standing for many years to come. It's a shame that I have forgotten that I had allocated the day of creation for my blog to be the same as the one of my birthday. I did so to create a connection with this blog as I wanted it to be an extension of myself, which until now has done of great job of doing.
Looking back at the first few posts published, one can see the improvements that this blog has done both in terms of my writing style and technique (which my teacher now proclaims as "the most exemplary student in terms of fluency in writing) and in terms of views towards certain events, such as the presidential elections that has only just recently come to a close. I seem to be more open minded and welcome to many interpretations from many different people. It could be for this reason that I was rather angered that classmates of mine supported Obama during the presidential elections without ever considering the fact that Romney has the potential to be a good leader. They do not understand politics, nor understand what Romney has in store for America. Rather, they are pulled along by the bandwagon that my school has stating that Obama is the one who should be president. I once asked a schoolmate of mine "Why do you like Obama over Romney" and the schoolmate blindly answered "Because his name is Mitt! Who likes the name Mitt anyway?". I look at these people with anger, and a little sense of pity of their absolute stupidity. I personally, as stated before, do not support Romney due to the basic fact that he is more conservative and against so many minorities in the American society that it would basically collapse on itself. Gay and lesbian rights for example. However, as stated before, none of my classmates failed to consider the good policies which he has for America (although I fail to find many).
I digress once again, as I did so many times during the year of which this blog has been established. I have been proud of the work I have done so far and I hope to achieve a lot more with this blog. I plan to tackle many issues in the future and give my personal interpretations of them, so as to share my opinions with the world, so that you, my dear readers, can find one for yourself.
Once again, I wish this website a very Happy Birthday. I thank blogger/blogspot so much for enabling me to create my blog, my gateway to the world.
Matthew Tan
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