My Birthday

On this day 16 years ago in the year 1996 sat my mother. She would be on the hospital bed right now, awaiting the birth of her first son. I had been late apparently, and stayed a day longer than expected. It seemed that even then I had problems with punctuality. My father paced around the room, imagining what it would be like to have a son to run with, to converse with and to play with. Unfortunately I fail to live up to his expectations due to my lack of motivation to do such a boring activity as to run and due to the fact that he comes home in the dark of night, hours after I am asleep. However, at the moment, he would have been pacing up and down the ward, looking through all those "How To Raise A Child" books that I see so often on the shelf, basically now just collecting dust. Little did they know that I was to come soon enough, in the early morning of 4am, Singaporean time (If I'm not wrong, +7 GMT )

A lot has changed since my birth, and I must say that I am rather proud of what I have achieved in my nearly-sixteen years of birth, particularly from fifteen to sixteen. I have managed to realise the importance of my education and study in depth, so as to discover my true capabilities. As recommended by a friend of mine, I should create a check-list of what I should do this year, the number being directly proportional to my age. Therefore I should create a sixteen-task check-list, which I will surely be doing shortly (although I probably will fail to do so) and do my best to check them off (although I probably will fail to do so). However, if the time comes that I actually do manage to do the check-list, I will  post them online, and see my failure a year later.

The days leading up to this very day was not the best as I could have expected. I started by running a high fever, something I hope of which has faded away by now. It was somehow strange how it occurred so suddenly, or how it ended so suddenly (touch wood), but I hope never to see it again.

How about you my dear readers? What was your birthday like? Recall the best and worse ones you ever had and let me know.

From the 16-in-10-minutes-blogger,
Matthew Tan


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