Study stress - Burning out
On days such as these I simply find no motivation to study at all. However this doesn't deter me from studying, albeit I tend to do significantly less that I wish that I could have done. My mother has often cautioned me about something she liked to call "Burning out" which was when one tended to study for a long period of time and afterwards not finding the motivation to study at all because of all the stress previously built up.
I must admit that I have burnt out before, although I am lucky enough to be able to be ready to work again after a day or so, while it may take days for someone else. Especially during exam time, it is important to be able to prioritise between work and play. My play often tends to take the form of exercise and my priorities are very simple. You exercise when you have the opportunity to, and study when you don't. This has worked out for me so far, especially with a schedule as tight as mine. However I do have a minimum of how much I should exercise, as a lack of it does make you become restless, distracting you in your studies as well.
For all those with big exams looking ahead, I strongly recommend that you do this as it is important not to burn out, especially when you to face an exam much harder and significant than the one I am about to face very soon.

Happy studying!
Matthew Tan
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