My mom recently read an article where the Development Bank of Singapore has created 7 seats for applicants who wish to seek employment within the company. It was a surprise for me to hear that there were 7000 applicants applying for those 7 seats when in fact, it shouldn't really come off as a surprise at all.
Throughout my childhood my future life as an adult was always defined by my mother as 'a race where thousands of people are competing to reach the finish line first', this of course, being a metaphor for when I seek employment in a huge conglomerate where thousands of people compete for a single job. Of course for an eight year old child this news would come off as very depressing and often I would not care for my studies, convinced that no matter how hard I tried i would never get the job. Imagine! Thousands of people! How was I supposed to get that one place with many more educated people (and probably more talented) than myself in the same race as me?
It suddenly dawned onto me that throughout my life I was told that the number of applicants are constantly increasing;of course this being directly proportional the human population which only recently just reached 7 billion, but I have never been told that the number of seats have increased. It then occured to me that if I can't win a race, I should just create one of my own. This, when put in literal terms, meant basically making a business of my own.
Of course my heart always belongs to physics but at my age I find it healthy to keep your options open. Therefore entrepreneurship would always be a good idea for me. As for what I am going to sell and how I am going to sell it will be something else. Of course, being an entrepreneur doesn't necessarily mean that you are selling a good. Selling a service seems much more appealing to me. Sitting at a store all day does not necessarily give a lot of job satisfaction. What I hope I can do in the future is combine both ideas; to create a business that involves physics.
Cameron Herald talks about entrepreneurship and how we need it in society. My dad sent this to me via facebook and it seems rather unfortunate to say that he has already implanted the seed of thought into my head. "Be your own boss" as my dad likes to say, albeit cliche.
Here is the link that addresses entrepreneurship by Cameron Herald on TED talks:

This picture seems to address my analogy of a race perfectly.
Matthew Tan
Throughout my childhood my future life as an adult was always defined by my mother as 'a race where thousands of people are competing to reach the finish line first', this of course, being a metaphor for when I seek employment in a huge conglomerate where thousands of people compete for a single job. Of course for an eight year old child this news would come off as very depressing and often I would not care for my studies, convinced that no matter how hard I tried i would never get the job. Imagine! Thousands of people! How was I supposed to get that one place with many more educated people (and probably more talented) than myself in the same race as me?
It suddenly dawned onto me that throughout my life I was told that the number of applicants are constantly increasing;of course this being directly proportional the human population which only recently just reached 7 billion, but I have never been told that the number of seats have increased. It then occured to me that if I can't win a race, I should just create one of my own. This, when put in literal terms, meant basically making a business of my own.
Of course my heart always belongs to physics but at my age I find it healthy to keep your options open. Therefore entrepreneurship would always be a good idea for me. As for what I am going to sell and how I am going to sell it will be something else. Of course, being an entrepreneur doesn't necessarily mean that you are selling a good. Selling a service seems much more appealing to me. Sitting at a store all day does not necessarily give a lot of job satisfaction. What I hope I can do in the future is combine both ideas; to create a business that involves physics.
Cameron Herald talks about entrepreneurship and how we need it in society. My dad sent this to me via facebook and it seems rather unfortunate to say that he has already implanted the seed of thought into my head. "Be your own boss" as my dad likes to say, albeit cliche.
Here is the link that addresses entrepreneurship by Cameron Herald on TED talks:

This picture seems to address my analogy of a race perfectly.
Matthew Tan
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