League of Legends
For all those in the gaming world, you would know that the latest trend in PC gaming would be a game called "League of Legends". It is something called MOBA type game (multiplayer online battle arena). These types of games have been around even when I was still in Singapore, but there are certain characteristics of this game that make it particularly more attractive to gamers than it's counterparts, however that's for another story. I have only recently started playing the game, and it does have it's attractive features. Although I usually turn down MOBA games, this is one that has intrigued me the most, so I'll spend a bit of time on this one.
My friends play it too, and what I note about many of them is the sudden change in character as soon as they are in the game. Take note that these MOBA games are very competitive and require the absolute co-ordination of the team to win (you are put in teams of five). Often online you are put with players good and bad alike when you cannot find someone to 'party' with. As a result often you have my friends cussing and swearing at people they do not even know; something very unlike them. I myself have been on the receiving end of these insults having just started and they are not a good experience. Even my cousin, often has a sudden change in character and starts getting very angry towards us when she gets into the game with my or my brothers, despite seeing her once a year at most. It sure is a great way to turn pleasant surprises into displeasing experiences.
This change in character is very dangerous and is an early sign of addiction. Many of my friends treat it as their life rather than a game and commit days and days to the game to hone their skills. Many of my colleagues on social networking sites such as Facebook have uploaded pictures of them paying a tremendous amount of money to buy 'in game items' that can assist them ascetically within the game, so as to be able to keep up with the rest of the world. This obviously has to stop. No matter how much I still engage in games, it is a waste of time and is the best way to do something unproductive. If you do buy these game cards with cash to boost your advantage in the game, it is a waste of money as well.
Fortunately this has been made aware by the gaming community on the game and people as much as possible say polite things such as apologizing whenever they have done something wrong, or saying this such as "glhf (Good luck have fun)" to everyone in the game and "gg (Good game)" at the end of one, just to show a little bit of 'sportsmanship' (controversial word I am using here). These are good habits to pick up but to avoid a change in attitude towards life and within the game, I do suggest players or parents of such child players, to ensure that you do not do the following.
- Do not get angry. You may be irritated but under no circumstances should you get angry. It is a game after all, and your anger does hurt others.
- Be sure to follow the good habits of the game.
- Be sure to have no feelings of regret at the end of the game nor hold any grudges against any of the other players.
- If you are on a losing streak, please quit the game and do something (slightly) more productive. Then play again after giving it a rest.
- Do not make fun of the other players. This is a form of cyberbullying.
Please follow these rules. Make the gaming community a better place. Please be reminded that this is just a game. Nothing more, nothing less.

Happy Gaming!
Matthew Tan
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