Pray for Syria
Over the first half of this week (almost crossing over into the second half) I have been plagued with an illness. Being very disgusted by the thought of being sick, I often find myself recoiling from coughing people moving away from ill people at school. I like to think as falling sick as nature's form of "karma", as if this was my form of retribution for all the cruel ways that I have treated sick people. From an honest perspective though, it is selfish for one to go to school even when sick. As my previous economics teacher likes to say "If you are sick, don't come to school. The school is an incubator for bacteria and other vectors that transmit disease". Rather amusing was how he came to school the next day, almost half dead from the illness that plagued him. Therefore if I am sick, I do not go to school, purely for selfless reasons. For the next few days that I do go to school, I always make sure to wear a surgical mask just in case, just for the consideration of others (it does not help that I get strange looks from the girls in my class for wearing it).
I have contracted the illness on a Sunday. Fortunately the worst of it has dissipated although the symptoms come back to me; particularly towards evening time. The symptoms are my most hated ones: dizziness, nausea and a slight fever. If I could wish for one thing, it would be that all people would be immune to disease or any forms of illnesses.
Enduring my self-induced, self-pitying suffering, I think of those who are in more trouble than me. For those who do not have a mother to take care of them, without high class, expensive medicine to help treat their illnesses and those having more serious illnesses than mine. It was as I was thinking this that I opened my Ipad to see that there was an outbreak of Polio in Syria among the children (Click to see here). These are people food deprived (to the point where they had to eat dogs - click to see here. A large percentage of them being Muslim, it is regarded as eating something much lower than dirt or to put it as immaturely as possible, human waste). Including the recent 'chemical weapons' (where many children are affected) issue, it is vital that we solve these problems with the quickest of haste.
I do not feel much pity for many people, but it is not hard to see that there is a lot to be cry for for those living in Syria, where the civil war within has broke a beautiful country into pieces.
So I ask you, pray for Syria my dear readers, for it is one step into the salvation of humanity. I do talk about population control, but this is not a way to do it.

Matthew Tan
I have contracted the illness on a Sunday. Fortunately the worst of it has dissipated although the symptoms come back to me; particularly towards evening time. The symptoms are my most hated ones: dizziness, nausea and a slight fever. If I could wish for one thing, it would be that all people would be immune to disease or any forms of illnesses.
Enduring my self-induced, self-pitying suffering, I think of those who are in more trouble than me. For those who do not have a mother to take care of them, without high class, expensive medicine to help treat their illnesses and those having more serious illnesses than mine. It was as I was thinking this that I opened my Ipad to see that there was an outbreak of Polio in Syria among the children (Click to see here). These are people food deprived (to the point where they had to eat dogs - click to see here. A large percentage of them being Muslim, it is regarded as eating something much lower than dirt or to put it as immaturely as possible, human waste). Including the recent 'chemical weapons' (where many children are affected) issue, it is vital that we solve these problems with the quickest of haste.
I do not feel much pity for many people, but it is not hard to see that there is a lot to be cry for for those living in Syria, where the civil war within has broke a beautiful country into pieces.
So I ask you, pray for Syria my dear readers, for it is one step into the salvation of humanity. I do talk about population control, but this is not a way to do it.

Matthew Tan
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