Boredom in Singapore
One of the things that I find hard to convey to my Jakartian friends is how I find Singapore more boring compared to Jakarta. Many of them would say "There's so much to do! You can go out on your own! Do your own thing!". Of course, I do enjoy the independence in being able to do whatever you like in Singapore. However one of the things that prevent me from doing so is not rather the physical limitations. Rather its the mental limitations that prevent you from going outside. Even now I find myself stuck in the room from the time I come home from school till evening, doing homework and browsing on the internet. With me having so little to line my wallet with, I happen to sacrifice a lot of time during travelling, taking the slowest but the cheapest forms of transport. With no money, I am limited to spending money on small, cheap forms of luxury like going out for ice cream and other forms of savory goods (which are not good for your health. I can attest to that).
That is, if you have the time. The study pressure in Singapore remains high, and I find myself working all day in my room doing homework from all subject teachers. With the moving of furniture from Jakarta to Singapore still in progress, it's hard to find a proper table to work on and arranging favourable conditions for studying remains a challenge. I find myself every night suffering from neck aches and backaches, as well as letargy from not being able to engage in any physical activity.
My parents, being highly inwardly reflective would say "it's your fault for making your life in Singapore this way" and I can't say that they're wrong. There is a factor involved there. But of course there is a factor involved that's making the beginning days in Singapore so miserable to me. The work continues to pile up, much faster than I can finish it. As each subject begins with the boring topics of introduction, I find it hard to pay attention in class and fail to spark the interest that I had in my previous school in Jakarta. However I will press on. As a friend of mine likes to say "This all will soon pass".
Endurance pays off... I hope.

Matthew Tan
That is, if you have the time. The study pressure in Singapore remains high, and I find myself working all day in my room doing homework from all subject teachers. With the moving of furniture from Jakarta to Singapore still in progress, it's hard to find a proper table to work on and arranging favourable conditions for studying remains a challenge. I find myself every night suffering from neck aches and backaches, as well as letargy from not being able to engage in any physical activity.
My parents, being highly inwardly reflective would say "it's your fault for making your life in Singapore this way" and I can't say that they're wrong. There is a factor involved there. But of course there is a factor involved that's making the beginning days in Singapore so miserable to me. The work continues to pile up, much faster than I can finish it. As each subject begins with the boring topics of introduction, I find it hard to pay attention in class and fail to spark the interest that I had in my previous school in Jakarta. However I will press on. As a friend of mine likes to say "This all will soon pass".
Endurance pays off... I hope.

Matthew Tan
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