A trip into the past: Matthew's Poetry Analysis
Every time I log into this website I feel accomplished yet frustrated when I see my secondary blog do better than my first one: Although I do get at least a hundred times more views on the second blog than the first one, I put in much less effort into the second blog than the first one! It only goes to show how content can be much more enriching and important to a person than the effort that goes into the production of a piece. For the first time in a long time, I clicked on this mysterious link, read the comments, and went back in time.
The first thing I am greeted with is the lack of format. I remember that at the time, I highlighted everything in an attempt to cram as much as I could into my brain for the preparation of the test. Bullet points and subheadings were also included. These were all meant to help me in the exams, but it didn't do much but wreck the formatting of the whole blog. Note to self: The formatting of word is not compatible with the formatting of Blogspot.
When I do read the comments, it makes me feel happy to get to read all the compliments I get. There are slight complications with some of my interpretations but overall they are reliable. There is one blog post that received significantly more negative comments than positive ones. It was one by Sujata Bhatt. My interpretation of the poem was deemed as insulting to her name as well as an insult to literature itself. No matter how bad I feel about this, it doesn't change the fact that that was my interpretation of her at the time. Secondly, my interpretation of the poet is highly influenced by my teacher's interpretation of her as well. I only now understand what the readers are saying and I will revisit that poem in the near future, when I do have time of course.
There is much of my life that I am proud of, and this is one of them, whether flame or no flame, I enjoy the controversy and the discussions that arise form my interpretations. These are stepping stones to something greater, and I am honored to be able to walk it with you all.
I will update the other website eventually, but at the moment, I have a busy life to attend to as a Student Council member, a Singaporean, and a 17 year old son.

Just as a graphic to feel good about myself, albeit a little narcissistic.
Matthew Tan
The first thing I am greeted with is the lack of format. I remember that at the time, I highlighted everything in an attempt to cram as much as I could into my brain for the preparation of the test. Bullet points and subheadings were also included. These were all meant to help me in the exams, but it didn't do much but wreck the formatting of the whole blog. Note to self: The formatting of word is not compatible with the formatting of Blogspot.
When I do read the comments, it makes me feel happy to get to read all the compliments I get. There are slight complications with some of my interpretations but overall they are reliable. There is one blog post that received significantly more negative comments than positive ones. It was one by Sujata Bhatt. My interpretation of the poem was deemed as insulting to her name as well as an insult to literature itself. No matter how bad I feel about this, it doesn't change the fact that that was my interpretation of her at the time. Secondly, my interpretation of the poet is highly influenced by my teacher's interpretation of her as well. I only now understand what the readers are saying and I will revisit that poem in the near future, when I do have time of course.
There is much of my life that I am proud of, and this is one of them, whether flame or no flame, I enjoy the controversy and the discussions that arise form my interpretations. These are stepping stones to something greater, and I am honored to be able to walk it with you all.
I will update the other website eventually, but at the moment, I have a busy life to attend to as a Student Council member, a Singaporean, and a 17 year old son.
Just as a graphic to feel good about myself, albeit a little narcissistic.
Matthew Tan
Hullo! I was going through your blog and when I came across this post I thought I'd drop in to say: your secondary blog has helped me tons in studying English Literature for my O Levels. It's not a subject offered by my school so I've had to study the prescribed texts on my own, and when it came to the anthology I was scared stiff. I was ecstatic to find your blog, where you analysed all the poems I had to study for my exam. Thank you so much for your dedication, because it's helped me and - I'm sure - lots of other people develop a deeper understanding towards poetry. I understand you're studying IB in Singapore? It's a challenging course, but you sound like an intelligent person. I wish you the very best of luck. Cheers! -Krys