Weight off your shoulders

I must say that I have a huge weight taken off my shoulders.

Last Thursday marks the SJII founder's day, and my last day in council. I'm working through with my successor on the the responsibilities that he will be facing and I'm almost done with going through with him the weekly routine. By the end of the week I should have been lifted of all my weekly reponsibilities as a council member, and I do admit that it feels very good. For once in my life I would not have to fret over any council responsibilities and will get more time to work on my academics, which are less than satisfactory at the moment.

I'm now in my room, feeling the slight pressure of deadlines but failing to be affected by them. I'm in my room, playing some nice music and enjoying being alone at the moment. All I need now is a storm, a fireplace, cigar and coffee and I'll be ready to go. It's times like this that I remember that I only have a few months left before school ends. For my friends in Indonesia they are just about done with their IB exams, with only 2 or 3 days left.

IB has been one of the most stressful times in my life, and once I leave it I would be as well educated, if not more so, than the average working man on the streets of Singapore, if not specialised then at least well rounded, and I feel that it's something that calls for celebration.

The time after IB also marks the beginning of my life. I will go off to university to live life on my own, come back to Singapore with a degree, get married, probably go for a masters, work on my career, have a few children and die. As blunt as that may sound that is what I have left to look forward to. I'll be turning 20 in a few years time, and that would have marked a quarter of my life gone. When I was 6, I thought of 10 minutes as a long time. At 10 I thought of an half an hour as a long time. When I was 13 an hour was a short time. Today I feel that a day is too short. How long do you think it would take for me to think a year as a short period of time? Or a decade? The older you get, the faster you perceive time (maybe it's because you process and remember less within that space of time no?).

And as I grow up, no matter how fast that may be, I want to be able to remember the most important bits of it, which is why I have my blog here. Every week I talk about something that I've been thinking about, or something that has affected me a lot. The time I get to type here in front of my computer allow the creative juices to flow, to document this for the future me to read at the end of my days.

I hope that this blog lasts very long, if not for your entertainment, then at least for my own memorabilia.

This founder's day marks a very important period of my life, and I sure as hell won't forget it.

Cheers, Matthew Tan


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