Freedom and Expression
Thought to try something different this time:
As I waltzed from my room to the adjoining balcony under the portico, I couldn’t help but see the effort God has put into this particular day to make it such a beauty. The sun’s rays shot through the vacuum of the universe just to illuminate my world of foliage and vegetation, contrasting it with the vile creations of man, such that a beautiful scene of the city lay before my very eyes. From the skyscrapers to the slums, from the parks to the forest. All were laid to my witness, as if I myself was placed on the omnipotent seat of the heavens above. It is before this tableau that I write this piece as a form of catharsis for the emotions for gazing at the work of God’s beauty.
As I write I cannot help but express condolences for the rabble who are not educated in expressing themselves, no matter what the art form may be. Being untalented at painting, I feel it appropriate to express myself with words using the high frequency of lexicon I was endowed with. This was not through pure talent itself; affluence does have its influence, and this level of vocabulary was exercised and grown at a very young age. How pitiful are those who have not received the level of education that I have! How would one be able to write such beautiful prose otherwise? In what way would one be able to to express themselves! It is like being in a cage without a key; there would be no way to express your ideas to the world, but you are merely contained within the vessel one calls the body.
Without an expression of yourself, what way is there to show the way you wish for the world to change? In what way can you contribute to the world? Your ideas, your wishes and your interpretation of life kept within yourself, limited by your poor language and your lack of talent for expression. To the world you are merely a shell, when within the pearl glows ever so brightly with the radiance of the sun. With that, without every fibre of your body being unable to express what lies within the mind, you are enthralled by your lack of knowledge.
But nobody is ever truly free I suppose. Even the stars are trapped by the night’s dark blue sky. It is just the degree of which you are trapped. Even as I say this I know that my vocabulary is not perfect, and even with perfect vocabulary and total knowledge on the usage of words I cannot properly express myself to to the full. I am confined by the usage of language, just to a lesser extent than the rest of the rabble. To a large extent, I am free.
Before I left the house I took to my morning routine: styling my hair to the latest trends, wearing a watch made by Patek Phillipe, put on my dress shirt with a tailored-to-fit blazer before wearing my oxford steel toe caps before leaving the house. As I have told you I live in a life of affluence, and it would be unseemly for me not to be wearing anything less than the standards that I have described here. I wonder what work I will be tasked with at the company today.
Matthew Tan
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