Post ORD business

To call the task I have to do ORD business would be a misnomer; I suppose I am talking about busy-ness instead. I have no business to attend to, nor am I doing anything in the pursuit of money. Instead, I am dealing with every day tasks that I have to attend to in an attempt to upkeep mental sanity, and by that I mean nourishment with brainfood every day in things that I like, and avoiding boredom by doing some things I don't have to. I also have my physicality to attend to, as well as my social life. In terms of physicality I am to do 200 pushups and a 3km run, something that tires me out just by the thought. Yet I have done this quite religiously, only skipping it when I have to for outside purposes. In terms of social life I am to meet with my friends every week(end), within the bounds of possibility. I have just met with my friends today, but Chinese New Year is next year and I don't think meeting up is anywhere near feasible. Mentally I am to continue my pursuit of learning through an online coding course that I have signed up for and read whenever I am too tired to code. 

With this in mind I find myself very tired in what is supposed to be my 'vacation away from reality'. I find myself very much tired and my mind overactive from having too much things to do, from having to receive knowledge to having to distress over the knowledge that I am to do some physical exercises in the very near future in a matter of hours. However I take joy in my weekends, where I am exempted from all of these taskings, although I find myself doing them nonetheless to make up for the lack of work that I did not complete over the weekdays. For example I was busy during the tuesday, and I had to make up for the exercise and work during the weekend. I am quite far behind in my reading and writing, though it is not a big concern to my sense of productivity over my sense of fulfilment. One of the things I also have to do is commit more time on this blog, as well as the next blog for my poetry analysis, of which I feel holds more merit for society. 

I do have very busy days ahead, and the only thing keeping me going is my mental constitution and discipline. It requires a lot of willpower so do forgive me if I find myself writing irregularly on this blog. As much as I do not wish to admit, it is a lower priority in my life. However I will try to add to it at religious intervals. However I will try to find time for some R&R, and in the meantime find some time to enjoy my post-ord life. 

As the locals say, ORD LO!

Matthew Tan


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