Back to Coding

After finishing my internship, I find myself a lot more happy with life. I don't have to concern myself with the bore of 9 to 6 regular office jobs, and can concern myself with living in the moment like I've always done prior to my internship. Despite humanity's love of routine, I find my joy in living in the moment and being as far away from a robot as possible, although God knows I function better when a routine is involved.

I've tried to get into the habit of coding, and setting clear rules of what I can and cannot do at certain locations. For example, I am only to work on the table that I am in; blogging being considered work. My leisurely breaks are to be far away from this table, and I am to stay on this seat until 12pm, doing nothing but work. Then there will be lunch and then another few hours of work before I am done for the day with some exercise and rest. There will be a change of atmosphere every few days when I go outside to see friends or study with them. A requirement will be that the place I am going to must have internet connection to be able to code. I must admit that having a mac around is so useful when it comes to moving from place to place. My school does not recommend me having to use a mac as coding softwares do not run on the Mac OS, but I would still pick it for work anyway. Plus I have another laptop that I can use for coding as it is on windows. But for now I can just enjoy doing work on a light, comfortable albeit small-screened macbook.

I must admit now though that I am getting pretty bored not moving around. But I suppose that is part of the every day life of trying to work and not move around. I sure hope that my future self would not bog himself down in office work when he could help it, although my tendency for self-destruction may prove otherwise.

For now, I am to sit here and code and learn about as much of the outside world through this small screen connected to the internet; connected to the world.

Matthew Tan


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