The Summer Holidays, 2012

After a long wait, my Summer Holidays have finally arrived. I am, however, sore about the fact that a quarter of our year group contracted conjunctivitis and could not attend the last day of school, me included. I am still recovering at the moment, despite the fact that it has already lasted five days, a fact that is constantly worrying me as many have already recovered and I, although recovering, see no signs of a full recovery in a few days to come.

Because of the fact that I cannot go outside (although I still do occasionally), my holidays so far have been very unproductive, despite the fact that I planned to build up my body for my future health. However, that has not stopped me from finishing a few of my Xbox games and a few teenage story books, the achievements that I have obtained in the five days of this holiday that I shouldn't really be proud of. However, as soon as I have recovered I plan to get back the muscles that are already non-existent from my body and start doing the things that I did not have the opportunity to do due to the stresses of the school curriculum. Such examples are:

  • Swimming regularly,
  • Trying my luck at tennis,
  • Going to the Gym more often,
  • Finishing the non-fiction book that I have been neglecting for a long time, 
  • Reading all of the Sherlock Holmes book series, unaltered and the series originally written by Arthur Conan Doyle,
  • Selling back all the Xbox games that I have finished at the best price possible,
  • To start running more regularly and
  • Checking with the news more regularly to keep up with current affairs.
This is basically my holiday resolution and, at the end of the holidays, I will revisit this for re-evaluation and to take joy in the things in the task that I have accomplished and review the ones that I haven't and the reasons for it.

So my dear readers, what are your resolutions for the Summer Holidays? Have you completed them?

Have a joyful Summer!
Matthew Tan


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