The Inception of the School's Co-Curricular activities

The school's extra curricular activities have begun for the term, four weeks after the school year began. I have participated in three co-curricular activities, each having their own individual benefits to my well being, either socially, spiritually, physically or academically.

The first one being CCD, which stands for the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. Despite my initial impressions of the activity being a rather modern group with the sole purpose if educating children about the practices of the Catholic community, I was surprised to find that it had a was a perennial society. It was originally established in 1562 in Rome. Of course, it still continues what it does today, which is to maintain the level of understanding of the Christian culture in children, so that they will be able to carry their knowledge into adulthood and so that they can educate their children in turn. However, due to modern adaptations, it has become from rather profound society to a weekly activity, of which I have decided to partake in so that I can go through the next Sacrament, which is the one of confirmation; the rite of passage of which one has to go through to confirm yourself as a Catholic. The last Sacrament though, which has two routes. The Sacrament of the Holy Order or the Sacrament of matrimony. Although I have already decided to not join the Holy Order, I retain the alternative for consideration if I ever wish to go through that rite of passage in the future.

The next activity that I have joined is MUN, an activity of which I have mentioned before in my previous blog post. This is basically a simulation of the United Nations, of which you have probably read about in reality. Refer to the previous blog post if you wish to know more as I try to constrain the length of the blog post.

The last one would be tennis. This is a follow up to my previous resolution to try the sport, of which I will not be training for seriously, hoping that the skill we get me somewhere in the future.

The next major SEASAC MUN event is in Bankok, and if any of my readers ae legible to join such a prestigious group, I hope to see you there.



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